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Dr. Jarod Johnson published Pulp Vitality in Pediatric Patients in the May 2017 edition of Dentaltown.  Dentaltown Magazine is read by deniststs around the country.

“Pulp Vitality in Pediatric Patients” focuses on pulp therapy for permanent teeth impacted by tooth decay in children.  The focus of the piece is to educate dentists on therapies that may help avoid root canal therapy in children.  Dr. Jarod provides these services, in addition to root canals for children who may need treatment in Muscatine, IA.

As a part of his involvement Dr. Jarod was recently was invited to visit Pulpdent Corporation as a part of the Dentaltown Community.  He is an active member of the community which provides dentists an area to consult on difficult cases as well as provide insight on clinical techniques.

Currently  he working on a second continuing education course for Dentaltown.

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