How Long Does It Take For a Frenectomy To Heal?
How Often Does My Child Need Dental X-Rays?
Tips To Help My Child With Dental Anxiety
Difference between Kid’s Restorative vs Preventative Dental Care
As a parent, understanding the difference between restorative and preventative dental care for your child is crucial. At Arctic Dental, under the expertise of Dr. Jarod, we believe in empowering our patients with knowledge to make informed decisions about their…
4 Tips to Help Prepare Your Child for Their First Dentist Appointment
Taking your child to the dentist for the first time can be a daunting experience, both for you and your little one. However, with some careful preparation and a positive attitude, you can help make their first dental visit a…
When Should I Take My Child to the Dentist?
As a parent, you want to make sure your child grows up happy and healthy. But when it comes to oral health, many parents may be surprised to learn they need to take their child to the dentist when they…
Why Does My Child’s Breath Smell Bad?
As a parent, you know that kids don’t always smell great. But if your child’s breath is really smelly and it doesn’t seem to be getting better, you may be wondering what’s causing the issue. Why does your child’s breath…
Hidden Tongue Ties: What Are They & How Are They Treated?
If your child has been diagnosed with “hidden tongue ties,” you may be wondering what this means. What is a hidden tongue tie? How is it different from a standard tongue tie (ankyloglossia)? And how can it be treated by…
The Effects of Tongue Ties on Speech – Everything You Should Know
Tongue ties (ankyloglossia) happen in about 5% of newborns, so they're quite common. In fact, many kids with minor tongue ties don’t notice any negative effects at all as they grow. But in some children, tongue ties can cause problems…