The Benefits of Veneers for Teens: Enhancing Smiles Safely
They can correct a variety of dental issues and boost your kid’s self-esteem.
They can correct a variety of dental issues and boost your kid’s self-esteem.
When it comes to your child's oral health, understanding the full spectrum of potential issues is crucial.
Surgical procedure performed to remove or loosen a band of muscle tissue connected to the lip, cheek, or floor of the mouth.
As a parent, you want your child to have the best dental care possible, but what if they're terrified of the dentist?
At Arctic Dental, PLC, Dr. Jarod, and his team are committed to ensuring that you have all the information you need for a seamless recovery.
As a parent, understanding the difference between restorative and preventative dental care for your child is crucial. At Arctic Dental, under the expertise of Dr. Jarod, we believe in empowering our patients with knowledge to make informed decisions about their…
For parents wondering, "Should my child get a crown for their baby tooth?" our Muscatine pediatric dentist Dr. Jarod Johnson and the team at Arctic Dental are here to provide clarity and guidance. Why Would My Child Need a Crown?…
When a child loses one of their baby teeth early, they may need a space maintainer. However, parents can be concerned that a space maintainer could lead to more oral health problems, such as cavities. So naturally, you may be…
Picture this: During your child's last appointment, their dentist informed you that they would need to perform a pulpotomy to save their decayed tooth. When reading about the procedure, you find that a pulpotomy is often referred to as a…
It can be scary when your child needs oral surgery of any kind. But lingual frenectomies are a very simple, fast, and minimally-invasive procedure. If your child has been diagnosed with tongue ties (ankyloglossia), your child may need this treatment…