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Can a Tongue Tie Grow Back? Everything You Need To Know

If you think that your child may need a frenectomy in Muscatine to treat tongue ties, you may be wondering if it’s a permanent solution. Once your child gets a frenectomy, will their tongue move properly? Or can a tongue tie grow back over time? In this blog from Arctic Dental, we’ll give you the answers you need. Let’s get started!

Tongue Ties Don’t Grow Back, But They Can Heal Improperly

The short answer is “no.” Tongue ties don’t just grow back. When Dr. Jarod performs a frenectomy on your child, he will remove a portion of your child’s lingual frenulum, which is the band of tissue that connects the tongue to the base of the mouth. This can’t just “grow back” after your child’s surgery.

However, there is a “but.” After your child’s surgery, their lingual frenulum will begin healing. This is a good thing, obviously! But as the surgical site heals, there is a chance that the opening in the frenulum can heal improperly. If this happens, it may prematurely reattach itself, limiting the mobility of the tongue once again.

This is similar to a tongue tie, but it’s not the same thing. And the good news is that this issue is really easy to avoid. How? Just make sure you follow the instructions that Dr. Jarod gives to you after your child’s appointment. With some basic tongue exercises and movements, you’ll be able to avoid improper healing of your child’s lingual frenulum.

Post-Surgery Exercises Are Essential For Proper Healing Of The Lingual Frenulum

Dr. Jarod will give you detailed instructions on how to move your child’s tongue as they heal and recover from their surgery. This is also known as “Active Wound Care” or AWC for short. The goal of AWC is to allow your child’s lingual frenulum to heal, but to ensure that it heals with the proper range of motion.

The basics of the process are pretty simple. Using your fingers, you’ll simply move your child’s tongue in a few specific ways. You’ll lift it up, move it from side to side, and massage the area to help the opening in your child’s lingual frenulum heal properly. Dr. Jarod can demonstrate these exercises for you both before and after your child’s surgery.

Generally, you’ll need to perform post-surgery exercises about five times a day for four weeks. Some bleeding and discomfort may occur for the first few days, but will get much better with time. Dr. Jarod and our team are always just a phone call away, too. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns as your child heals from their frenectomy.

Worried About Tongue Ties In Muscatine? Get In Touch With Arctic Dental!

Dealing with tongue ties and getting a frenectomy for your child can seem intimidating. But at Arctic Dental, Dr. Jarod and our team are here to help. With our advanced laser dentistry tools, our child-friendly approach, and Dr. Jarod’s expertise, our goal is to make the entire process as simple, safe, and comfortable for your child as possible. Contact us online or give us a call at (563) 607-5979 to schedule a consultation right away, and get the help you need for your child’s tongue ties in Muscatine.

Dr. Jarod has received advanced training in behavior management, sedation, hospital dentistry, trauma, special health care needs, interceptive orthodontics, space maintenance, oral hygiene, and dietary counseling. His energetic personality allows him to relate to kids on an individual level. He understands the importance of children having a positive dental experience and strives to provide the best care tailored to each child’s needs. Dr. Jarod enjoys educating children and their families on the importance of oral health so they can establish good habits for a lifetime of smiles. His goal is to develop relationships with each of his patients to establish a dental home that is welcoming from infancy through adolescence.

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